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Research & Commentary

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Featured Commentary

Wilshire Weekly Market Report — July 19, 2024
July 22, 2024

Wilshire's market dashboard publication covering US and Global asset markets and portfolio returns.

2024 Mid-Year Fiduciary Update for Defined Contribution Plan Sponsors
July 8, 2024

Wilshire Market Commentary - Second Quarter 2024
July 1, 2024

2024 Report on Corporate Pensions:  Funding Levels and Asset Allocations
June 12, 2024

Latest Commentary

Wilshire Weekly Market Report — July 19, 2024
July 22, 2024

Wilshire's market dashboard publication covering US and Global asset markets and portfolio returns.

Weekly Commentary
2024 Mid-Year Fiduciary Update for Defined Contribution Plan Sponsors
July 8, 2024

Investment Research
Wilshire Market Commentary - Second Quarter 2024
July 1, 2024

Quarterly Commentary
2023 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and Diverse-Owned Manager Initiative
June 21, 2024

Joanna Bewick, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager, Investment Solutions, shares Wilshire’s annual Diverse-Owned Manager Initiative results.

Investment Research
2024 Report on Corporate Pensions:  Funding Levels and Asset Allocations
June 12, 2024

Investment Research
Wilshire Liquid Alternatives Industry Monitor - First Quarter 2024
June 11, 2024

Monthly Commentary
Monthly Market Commentary
June 5, 2024

Growth assets were up and defensive portfolios produced a gain in May as yields rose across most of the maturity spectrum. Volatility was down from April and has been below average for the past year.

Monthly Commentary
Wilshire Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and Diverse-Owned Manager Initiative
June 5, 2024

Wilshire believes that diversity in all its forms leads to better business outcomes. As such, greater transparency on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is foundational to informed decision-making by both internal and external stakeholders.

Investment Research
Dominating the Midfield and Making an Impact
June 4, 2024

Examining non-profit portfolio strategies around private credit allocations and impact investing.

Investment Research
Wilshire Quarterly Alternatives Commentary - First Quarter 2024
May 20, 2024

Investment Research
Wilshire Investment Strategy Update
May 6, 2024

This quarter we discuss the current economic environment, the evolving outlook for inflation and interest rates, and the associated pricing of risk assets.

Quarterly Commentary
2023 Active Management Review
April 15, 2024

Investment Research
2024 Report on State Retirement Systems: Funding Levels and Asset Allocations
April 11, 2024

Investment Research
Wilshire Market Commentary - First Quarter 2024
April 3, 2024

Quarterly Commentary
The Value of Diversification
March 20, 2024

Investment Research
Wilshire Quarterly Alternatives Commentary Fourth Quarter 2023
March 1, 2024

Investment Research
Wilshire Liquid Alternatives Industry Monitor Fourth Quarter 2023
February 27, 2024

Investment Research
Asset Allocation Return & Risk Assumptions
February 7, 2024

Investment Research
Wilshire Alternatives 2024 Outlook
January 25, 2024

Investment Research
Wilshire Market Commentary Fourth Quarter 2023
January 3, 2024

Quarterly Commentary
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